The Canyon County Drug Free Coalition (2C-DFC) is a non-profit organization made up of a group of individuals from various sectors of the community.
The 2C-DFC is governed by a Board of Directors that include community, busi- ness, and law enforcement leaders. We are funded through grants, fund-raising events and donations.
Our goal is to partner with schools, law enforcement agencies and other community leaders in Canyon County to provide drug awareness and education to parents and youth.
The coalition meets the 4th Tuesday of the month from 4:00-5:00 via ZOOM or Microsoft Teams. All meetings are open for public and community attendance. Please contact us for meeting information.

The mission of the 2C-DFC is to empower youth and families in Canyon County to reach their full potential through substance use prevention education and to create a safer community.
We envision a family-friendly community that is safe and drug-free.
- Recruit members for 2C-DFC to further our mission.
- Educate the community about the dangers of youth substance use.
- Reduce youth substance use through strategic interventions.
- Collaborate with schools, local organizations and city and state agencies.
- 2C-DFC utilizes the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health services Administration (SAMHSA).
2C-DFC utilizes the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)
2C-DFC utilizes the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health services Administration (SAMHSA). SPF assists community coalitions in developing the infrastructure needed for community-based, public health approaches that can lead to effective and sustainable reductions in alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) use and abuse. The five elements are:
- Assessment. Collect data to define problems, resources, and readiness within a geographic area to address needs and gaps.
- Capacity. Mobilize and/or build capacity within a geographic area to address needs.
- Planning. Develop a comprehensive strategic approach that includes policies, programs, and practices creating a logical, data-driven plan to address problems identified in the assessment.
- Implementation. Implement evidence-based prevention strategies, programs, policies and practices.
- Evaluation. Measure the impact of the SPF and the implementation of strategies, programs, policies and practices.The elements of sustainability and cultural competence—central to community-based approaches—are shown in the center of the graphic indicating their importance to each of the other elements.
Community Assessment Key Findings
In 2021, youth in western Idaho reported that:
• 34% have had at least 1 drink of alcohol
• 13% used marijuana
• 10% misused prescription drugs
• 18% used a vape pen/e-cigarette
• 0.6% used methamphetamines
Youth most often report drinking alcohol at home (54%), and getting alcohol from a friend (41%), or family member (37%) for free.
Youth report they most often get marijuana for free from a friend or family member (44%). Others report buying it (29%) or taking it (13%) from a family member or friend. 14% report buying it from a marijuana dispensary, and 30% purchased from a dealer or stranger.
14.9% of youth reported that they felt depressed in the last 30 days, and 17% considered suicide in the past year.
Parents are one of the strongest protective factors against youth substance use. Youth reported that in the past 12 months, 60% had spoken with their parents/caregivers about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, or drug use.
*Data from the 2021, Idaho Healthy Youth Survey. Survey respondents are from 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students, and lived in Health District 3 and 4.
Youth most often report drinking alcohol at home (54%), and getting alcohol from a friend (41%), or family member (37%) for free.
Youth report they most often get marijuana for free from a friend or family member (44%). Others report buying it (29%) or taking it (13%) from a family member or friend. 14% report buying it from a marijuana dispensary, and 30% purchased from a dealer or stranger.
14.9% of youth reported that they felt depressed in the last 30 days, and 17% considered suicide in the past year.
Parents are one of the strongest protective factors against youth substance use. Youth reported that in the past 12 months, 60% had spoken with their parents/caregivers about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, or drug use.
*Data from the 2021, Idaho Healthy Youth Survey. Survey respondents are from 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students, and lived in Health District 3 and 4.
Youth most often report drinking alcohol at home (54%), and getting alcohol from a friend (41%), or family member (37%) for free.
Youth report they most often get marijuana for free from a friend or family member (44%). Others report buying it (29%) or taking it (13%) from a family member or friend. 14% report buying it from a marijuana dispensary, and 30% purchased from a dealer or stranger.
14.9% of youth reported that they felt depressed in the last 30 days, and 17% considered suicide in the past year.
Parents are one of the strongest protective factors against youth substance use. Youth reported that in the past 12 months, 60% had spoken with their parents/caregivers about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, or drug use.
*Data from the 2021, Idaho Healthy Youth Survey. Survey respondents are from 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students, and lived in Health District 3 and 4.
Youth most often report drinking alcohol at home (54%), and getting alcohol from a friend (41%), or family member (37%) for free.
Youth report they most often get marijuana for free from a friend or family member (44%). Others report buying it (29%) or taking it (13%) from a family member or friend. 14% report buying it from a marijuana dispensary, and 30% purchased from a dealer or stranger.
14.9% of youth reported that they felt depressed in the last 30 days, and 17% considered suicide in the past year.
Parents are one of the strongest protective factors against youth substance use. Youth reported that in the past 12 months, 60% had spoken with their parents/caregivers about the dangers of tobacco, alcohol, or drug use.
*Data from the 2021, Idaho Healthy Youth Survey. Survey respondents are from 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th grade students, and lived in Health District 3 and 4.